台北捷運廣播(國語、英文、日文)黑色:標準中文 淺紫色:美式英文 綠色:標準日文 各位旅客您好,歡迎搭乘捷運系統,本列車終點站是淡水,為了維護服務品質,請勿在捷運系統內吸煙、飲食、嚼食口香糖或檳榔,謝謝您的配合,祝您旅途愉快。往淡水,下一站,新店市公所...The fellow passengers you are good, welcome to travel by the DORTS system, this train terminal is the fresh water, for the maintenance service quality, please do not smoke in the DORTS system, the diet, to chew the food chewing gum or the betel nut, thanks your coordination, wish your have a pleasant trip. Toward fresh water, next station, Xindian Geographical unit of government.?客DORTS????、食事療法?DORTS????????旅???????、?迎??列車????????淡水、保守?????質????、????吸???、食糧???????????????????????持?良?旅行???????????、感謝?????調整、望?。淡水?方、次?場所、Xindian?政府?地理的??位…終點站到了,請記得隨身攜帶的物品,謝謝您的搭乘。Here we are at the terminal station.Thank you for your patronage.私達?末端場所??????。????後援??????。如在列車上遇到任何緊急狀況,請以對講機與司機員聯繫,我們會儘速為您處理。Attention. In case of an emergency on the train,please use the intercombeside the door to inform thedriver. 注意。 列車?緊急事態?場合??、運?者?知?????intercombeside???使用????。搭乘電聯車時,請留意隨行長輩及孩童的安全,並遵守先下後上乘車秩序,謝謝。Attention. When taking the MRT, please take care of accompanying elderly passengers or children and let arriving passengers alight first.Thank you.注意。 MRT?取??場合、年配??客?子供?伴????大事??、到???客?輝?第1許可????。?????當列車關門警示音響起,請勿再強行進入車廂,謝謝。Attention. Do not force your way through the doorway when you hear the buzzer that indicates the door is closing. Thank you.注意。 ????示???最後???聞????口?通??????方法?強制???????。?????。請勿妨礙車門關閉或擅自開啟。Please do not hinder the train doors列車????妨???????搭車時請勿倚靠車門,上下車留意車門與月台間隙,並記得隨身攜帶物品,謝謝。Attention. When taking the MRT, please do not lean on the doors. When getting on or off the train, please don't forget your belongings and mind the gap between the train and the platform.Thank you.注意。 MRT?取??場合、???傾????????。??/??列車?得?場合、 ????所有物?忘????、列車????????間???????????????。?????。請發揮愛心,將座位優先禮讓給需要的旅客,謝謝。Attention. Please yield your seat tothose in need. Thank you.注意。 必要性?????座席????????。 ?????。您好,在車站及列車上請勿吸煙、飲食、嚼食口香糖或檳榔,謝謝。Please do not eat, drink, chew gum or betel nut in the Taipei Metro system. Thank you.台北?地下???????????????食???????、飲????、??????????。?????。現在旅客較多,請留意您的隨身物品,儘量往車廂內部移動及把握上下車時間。When the train is crowded, please move toward the center of the carriage. Check your possessions and your approaching destination. Thank you.列車?混?????、??????中心?方?動?????。 ????所有物???????接近?行先???????。 ?????。火災發生時,請利用車門邊的滅火器協助滅火,並以對講機與司機員聯繫,謝謝。Attention. If a fire breaks out,please use the fire extinguishers by the door to put it out and use the intercom to notify the driver. Thank you.注意。 火??生???、?????使用?消???使用????????消火器?喜????? 運?者?知???通話?置。 ?????。候車時請於白色候車線後方依序排隊。Attention please.When waiting for the train, please line up behind thewhite line. Thank you.?願????注意。列車?待????場合、thewhite????後??並????。?????。您好,淡水站不開放腳踏車進出,攜帶 腳踏車的旅客,請在紅樹林站下車出站。Attention please. Cyclists are not allowed to enter or exit Danshui Station. Passengers with bicycles should exit by Hongshulin Station. Thank you. ?願????注意。 ???????Danshui?場所?書?入???、???出????許????。 自?車?持??客 Hongshulin Station????出??????。 ?????。本列車終點站是新店,攜帶腳踏車往 南勢角方向的旅客,請在圓山站換車。This train is bound for Xindian Station. Passengers with bicycles traveling to Nanshijiao, please change trains at Yuanshan Station. Thank you. ??列車?Xindian?場所?????切???。 Nanshijiao?旅??自?車?持??客?Yuanshan?場所?列車????。 ?????。本列車終點站是北投站,攜帶腳踏車往 淡水方向的旅客,請在唭哩岸站換車,謝謝!This train is bound for Beitou Station. Passengers with bicycles traveling to Danshui, please change trains at Qilian Station. Thank you. ??列車?Xindian?場所?????切???。 Nanshijiao?旅??自?車?持??客?Yuanshan?場所?列車????。?????。本列車終點站是南勢角站,攜帶腳踏車往新店方向的旅客,請在圓山站換車。This train is bound for Nanshijiao Station. Passengers with bicycles traveling to Xindian, please change trains at Yuanshan Station. Thank you. ??列車?Nanshijiao?場所?????切???。 Xindian?旅??自?車?持??客?Yuanshan?場所?列車????。 ?????。列車臨時停車,請稍候,造成您的不便,敬請見諒。Attention. The train has stopped temporarily. Please wait. Thank you for your patience.注意。 列車?一時的?停止??????。 ?待?下??。 ????忍耐??????。因設備故障,本列車必須重新啟動,燈光會暫時熄滅,空調會產生聲響,請稍候。Due to technical problems,this trainwill restart, please wait. 技術的?問題、??trainwill再始動?原因?、?待?下??。各位旅客請注意,因為行車調度原因, 本列車不再提供載客服務,請儘速下車,造成您的不便,敬請見諒。Attention please. Due to technical problems, this train service has been suspended. All passengers please alight. We apologize for the inconvenience. ?願????注意。 技術的?問題?原因?、??列車?????中????。?????客?降??喜??。 私達?不便?謝?。因設備故障,本列車不載客,請儘速下車Due to technical problem, Train suspend service, please alight技術的?問題、列車?原因??????、降??中?????各位旅客請注意,本列車即將啟動, 請您站穩並握住扶手,謝謝。Attention please. This train is about to start. Please stand firmly and hold on to the handrail. Thank you. ?願????注意。 ??列車?始?????約??。 ?????立?、手???????????。?????。因列車未準確停靠月台,本列車將不開門請於下一站改搭反向列車回本站,請見諒Due to berth properly, doors can't open. Please alight at next stop. ????停泊?????然???開????????。 次?停止?降????。各位旅客請注意,本列車因系統發生異常而暫時停車,司機員將下車處理,請稍候造成您的不便,敬請見諒。Attention please. Due to technical problems, system operation has been temporarily suspended.The driver is alighting to fix the problem.Pleasewait. We apologize for the inconvenience. ?願????注意。 技術的?問題、????操作?原因?一時的?中????????。運?者?問題?解決?????降????。Pleasewait。 私達?不便?謝?。由於電扶梯移動速度較快,請年長者改搭電梯,謝謝。Attention.Escalators move fast. Elderly passengers are advised to take the elevator. Thank you.Attention.Escalators移動??食??。 年配??客????????取????助言???。 ?????。本系統即將恢復營運,謝謝您耐心等候。System is resuming normal operation.?????正常運??再開????。為了調整車距,列車會有加減速的狀況。This train may decelerate to adjust headway, sorry for your discomfort. ??列車??念?????不快???????前進?調節?????減速????????。現在旅客較多,請勿坐在車廂地板,並儘量往車廂內部移動,謝謝。Attention. When the train is crowded, please do not sit on the floor. Also, please move toward the center of the carriage. Thank you. 注意。列車?混?????、床?置????????。 ??、??????中心?方?動?????。 ?????。車門即將關閉,請遠離車門,謝謝。The doors is about to be closed. Please keep clear of the doors. Thank you.???閉?????約??。 ???避????。 ?????。列車故障無法行駛,已派車接駁,請稍候Train suspend service. A recovery train is coming to pick you up.接駁列車已抵達,請依指示方向依序前進The recovery train has arrived, Please follow direction move forward 列車??????中???。 回復列車?拾????????。支援列車將進行聯結,請旅客緊握扶手。Recovery train has arrived to coupleplease hold handrail firmly.回復列車?coupleplease?把握手???????????。因設備故障,本列車即將進行下軌道疏散請依司機員指示方向移動,謝謝您的配合We must evacuate to the track way; Please follow the driver's direction私達?????方法?避難?????????; 運?者?方向??????請準備下車,注意坡道並依引導走到車站Get ready to alight, beware of ramp And follow direction to the station. 降?、傾斜路?用心?、場所?方向???準備?????。請準備由車廂門下車,協助行動不便旅客下車時注意高低差及間隙,並依序移動。Please evacuate by car doors, heed platform gap and move in order.車???????避難??、?????????????注意?、???順序?動?????。系統異常,趕時間旅客改搭其它交通工具A technical problem has occurred, If in a hurry, please take other means of transportation. 技術的?問題?早急?、他?交通手段?取????、起???。因設備異常耽誤您寶貴的時間,敬請見諒。列車到站後請您至旅客詢問處領取免費搭乘券1張及誤點證明。Due to equipment failure, this service will be delayed. A one-trip free coupon and a delay certificate may be obtained at the Information Counter. 設備故障?原因?、??????????。 1旅行?自由???????????証明書?情報??????得?????????。各位旅客請注意,由於發生地震, 本列車將以低速行駛,造成您的不便 敬請見諒。Attention please. Due to earthquake tremors, this train will be operatedat low speed. We apologize for the inconvenience. ?願????注意。地震?震??原因?、??列車?低速operatedat???。 私達?不便?謝?。因有人非法闖入軌道,正處理中,請稍候An intruder has got into the track way,we are handling now, please wait侵入者?????方法?、私達今扱????、待????持????本列車需救援另一列車無法載客,請下車This train is dispatched to recover another train, please alight at once??列車?別?列車?回復????????降??急派???往士林夜市的旅客,請由1號出口 出站,謝謝。Passengers for Shilin Night Market please exit by Exit 1. Thank you. Shilin夜市場?????客?Exit 1.????感謝??出?。各位旅客請注意,本列車因系統發生異常而暫時停車,目前已派員處理中,請稍候造成您的不便,敬請見諒。Attention please. Due to technical problems, system operation has been temporarily suspended. We are currently fixing the problem. Pleasewait. We apologize for the inconvenience. ?願????注意。技術的?問題、????操作?原因?一時的?中????????。 私達?現在問題?解決????。 Pleasewait。私達?不便?謝?。往台北101的旅客,請由2號出口 出站,謝謝。Passengers for Taipei 101 please exit by Exit 2.Thank you.台北101?????客?Exit 2.Thank????出?。往美術館的旅客,請由1號出口 出站,謝謝。Passengers for Taipei Fine Arts Museum please exit by Exit 1. Thank you. 博物館?Exit 1.????出?台北?芸術?????客?感謝??往木柵線的旅客請在本站換車Attention.Passengers transferring to the Muzha Line ,please change trains at this station. Muzha????移?Attention.Passengers???場所?列車????。往中正紀念堂方向的旅客請在本站換車。Attention.Passengers transferring to Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall; Please change trains at this stationChiang Kai-Shek?記念????移?Attention.Passengers; ??場所?列車??????往南港、板橋、土城的旅客請在本站換車Attention.Passengers transferring to Nangang, Banqiao,Tucheng line; Please change trains at this stationNangang、Banqiao?Tucheng????移?Attention.Passengers; ??場所?列車??????往小碧潭站的旅客請在本站換車。Attention.Passengers transferring to Xiaobitan; Please change trains at this station Xiaobitan?移?Attention.Passengers; ??場所?列車??????往新店、淡水方向的旅客請在本站換車。Attention.Passengers transferring to Xindian、Danshui; Please change trains at this stationXindian?、Danshui?移?Attention.Passengers; ??場所?列車??????各位旅客您好,本列車終點站為北投站,往淡水方向旅客請在奇岩站統一月台換車This train is bound for Beitou; Passengers transferring to Danshui; change trains at Qiyan ??列車?Beitou?????切???; Danshui?移?????客; ?更?Qiyan?訓練??往新北投方向旅客請在本站換車。Attention.Passengers transferring to Xinbeitou; Please change trains at this stationXinbeitou?移?Attention.Passengers; ??場所?列車??????下車時請注意列車與月台間隙。Heed the gap between train and platform.列車????????間??????注意????。往南港、板橋、土城的旅客請在本站換車Attention.Passengers transferring to Nangang, Banqiao,Tucheng line; Please change trains at this station Nangang、Banqiao?Tucheng????移?Attention.Passengers; ??場所?列車??????往淡水、新店、南勢角方向旅客請在本站換車。Attention.Passengers transferring to Danshui、Xindian or Nanshijiao; Please change trains at this stationDanshui?、Xindian?Nanshijiao?移?Attention.Passengers; ??場所?列車??????往西門方向的旅客請在本站換車。Attention.Passengers transferring to Ximen; Please change trains at this stationXimen?移?Attention.Passengers; ??場所?列車??????往南勢角方向的旅客請在本站換車。Attention.Passengers transferring to Nanshijiao; Please change trains at this station Nanshijiao?移?Attention.Passengers; ??場所?列車??????往新店方向的旅客請在本站換車。Attention.Passengers transferring to Xindian; Please change trains at this stationXindian?移?Attention.Passengers; ??場所?列車??????本列車不再提供載客服務,請儘速下車。Train suspend service,please alight Over.列車??????、降??中???。因為有些字本人無法翻譯成日文,所以無法翻譯的字體將保留英文!造成不便敬請見諒。